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Funeral Poems


The most popular of funeral tributes, these poems will help you remember the good times you had with the deceased and the difference he or she made in people's lives. A remembrance poem focuses on your loved one's positive traits and uplifts the mourners' hearts.

When You Remember

I hope that when you remember Eve,
You don't think of her this way.
Instead remember the good times you had,
Or the funny things she'd say.

Remember her in springtime.
How she loved the fragrant breeze.
Remember her in summer,
As the sunshine kissed her cheeks.

Remember her in autumn,
How she loved the turning leaves.
Remember her in winter
Watching snowflakes drift in the breeze.

But although Lee surely loved these things,
Remember she loved you all more,
And don't lose heart because we'll see her again,
When we all reach that distant shore.


This kind of poem offers mourners the encouragement to move on with life while carrying memories of their loved one with them. An encouraging poem can help people struggling with the death by reminding them that letting go doesn't mean forgetting, and there's hope of being reunited in the next life.

I'll Be Waiting for You

Although your heart may be broken,
There's no need to weep for me.
I'm in a wonderful place now,
Where I'm happy and so carefree.

I had to go, but I've left behind
Good memories to comfort you.
Concentrate on the best times we had,
And try not to feel so blue.

For one day we'll be together again,
To laugh and sing and play.
You'll be so glad to see me again,
It will seem I was gone just one day.

So try to lift up your heads now,
And dare to set grief aside,
Because I'll be waiting here for you,
To welcome you to the other side.


You wouldn't think that someone would want to have a humorous poem at a funeral, but this just might be the perfect send off for someone who loved to amuse others. It may actually fit the deceased's character better than a sad and serious poem.

Pardon Me for Not Getting Up

Oh dear, if you're reading this right now,
I must have given up the ghost.
I hope you can forgive me for being
Such a stiff and unwelcoming host.

Just talk amongst yourself my friends,
And share a toast or two.
For I am sure you will remember well
How I loved to drink with you.

Don't worry about mourning me,
I was never easy to offend.
Feel free to share a story at my expense
And we'll have a good laugh at the end.


A mourning poem is designed to help everyone share in griefving. It comforts people because it shows them that they are not alone in feeling sad, lonely, and lost without their loved one.


Not Ready to Let You Go

I wish that I could tell you
I'm not ready to let you go.
But you've already departed,
And my heart is feeling so low.

I miss that little twinkle
That used to light up your eyes.
And I miss the sound of your voice,
Your laughter and your sighs.

But most of all I miss
The way you made me feel,
Like nothing could ever harm me because
Your love was so strong and real.

There are others here who miss you,
And they've gathered here today.
Your life touched so many people,
Who became your friends along the way.

They want you to know they love you, too.
And they're filled with sadness and grief.
No one really wants to say goodbye,
So we'll just wish you eternal peace.

Choosing the Right Poem

Even if you're in charge of the funeral arrangements, don't feel like you have to choose a poem by yourself. Pick out two or three, share them with a few people who were as close to the deceased as you were, and let them help you choose the one that strikes the perfect note. Remember to include the poem on the funeral program so other mourners can treasure it as a keepsake.

Poems provided by Kelly Roper



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